Continuous distribution grid monitoring with Adaptricity.Mon

.automated .detailed .flexible


Fully automated data updates make real-time distribution grid monitoring possible! All essential information is captured securely and updated daily.


We provide grid monitoring with a focus on modern, in-depth data-visualization. So you get the overview, but it’s also easy to examine your grid in detail.


When you update your grid model (or other data) a re-simulation is run, fully automatically, giving you the flexibility you need for comprehensive grid monitoring.

Continuous, detailed monitoring of the distribution grid, i.e. the monitoring of grid statuses and grid utilisation

on the medium and low-voltage level, allows comprehensive grid assessment in real-time. 

Adaptricity.Mon uses the extensive data sets from smart metering systems to do exactly this!

Adaptricity.Mon – how it works

Adaptricity.Mon provides comprehensive grid monitoring through the use of SmartMeters and substation measurement equipment. The visualization and evaluation of measurement data helps you detect operational violations and allows you to spot negative trends in your grid. Since all measurement data is linked to a grid model, power flow calculations can be made for each time-step, you will receive accurate information about the grid's operational state, i.e. voltages and line loadings, at least every 15 minutes, completely automatically!


Our entry-level product Adaptricity.PQ allows visualization of existing measurement data, e.g. from PowerQuality devices in transformer stations and distribution cabins, with the same graphical interface, even without a network model. We evaluate the data in a structured way to detect limit violations and make unfavorable trends in network operation visible. A complete voltage quality report according to EN 50160 can be generated at the push of a button.

Daily check-up of the complete distribution grid

Mon: Täglicher Zustands-Check des Verteilnetzes_DE

Active-power residual load of the grid with load and generation components

Line load of the selected line – hovering over the line shows exact numerical value

Quantile plot of node voltages

Overview of all warnings and limit violations over time

Representation of the grid topology showing limit violations


Automated evaluation of grid measurements

Mon: Auswertung Messgeräte und Vergleich mit Grenzwerten

Navigation bar of Adaptricity.Mon

Overview of the warnings and violations in the selected time period

Display of apparent power measurement per phase

Short-term flicker time series

Display of the grid topology with warnings and violations

Details of the selected grid element
